marți, 25 ianuarie 2011

Vacanta de iarna/Winter holidays

In vacata de iarna a fost foarte frumos deoarece am fost cu sania,am mancat, Craciun am fost acasa,iar Revelionul la petrecut la cineva.

In winter vacantion was very nice since I was a sleigh, we ate, I was home Christmas and spent New Year to someone was very nice since I was a sleigh, we ate, I was home Christmas and spent New Year to someone.
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Reuniunea de proiect”Let the Music Play” din România/ Project meeting "Let the Music Play” in Romania

Datorita acestui proiect din tara noastra am cunoscut multi copii,am fost in excursi,am vobrit cu ei in limba proiectului"Lb.Engleza.

Because this project in our country I met many children, I was on a trip, I speaking with them in the language of the "Lb.Engleza.